Note: All images used on this site are exclusively the property of and copyrighted under John Reaume. Copying, downloading, saving, displaying, distributing, reproducing in any format without the expressed permission of John Reaume is strictly forbidden. All photos are subject to licensing fees that vary depending on intended use. For further information please contact John Reaume as shown under the Contact section. Site design and maintenance by John Reaume.
The Christmas Lichen (Cryptothecia rubrocincta) is very distinctive with the reddish rim and often green centre (fading to white) giving a Christmas wreath appearance. Simply click on an image to see a larger version of the photo. Note that these are only a sample of available images and should further information be required please look under the Contact menu for details.
Christmas Lichen 0601102
Christmas Lichen 0601111
Christmas Lichen 0601112